5 Jun

Installing iTunes 7 on Vista

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When trying to upgrade to iTunes 7.1 this morning I received an error message from the installer about VB Script being disabled and the installer was unable to continue.  After a little poking around it turns out that this is actually the issue.  In Vista, VB Script is not enabled by default.

To enable it and complete your iTunes upgrade, do this:

regsvr32 C:\Windows\System32\vbscript.dll

What cracks me up about this is why in the world is Apple using VB Script in the first place?  That is bizarre to me.

One thought on “Installing iTunes 7 on Vista”

  1. so, how do i do this, exactly? can a not so computer savvy guy do this on my own? i cant download 7.7 and i need it for my iphone…

    wasnt this the kind of thing that mac heads were complaining about pc’s, come on!

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