12 Sep

Microsoft and XForms, Standards Assassin or Innovator?

Humble Beginnings In researching technologies for dynamic form presentation, I came across the lonely and sad story of XForms. XForms is a sad little technology that once had a great future and was full of hope and aspirations. The basic idea was that I can build rich form functionality, including some processing logic, using XML tags […]

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10 Sep

Open Source Licensing for .Net Portal Frameworks

I am currently casting about for at open source web portal frameworks written in .Net. I would like my first concern to be the architecture of the UI plug-in modules, security providers, and data models. Unfortunately, it looks like my first concern must first be the license model of the software. To be fair, I am looking […]

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7 Sep

Google Reader, Now With Butter

Category:UncategorizedTag: , , :

Google Reader has finally included search as a feature. THANK YOU. And the execution is flawless. The feature is as good as all other Google search features. http://www.google.com/reader/view/#search/scrum/ Well done, and this solidifies by choice of Google Reader as my preferred aggregator. The only problem now is that it cannot read into my firewall so […]

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4 Sep

The Absent Product Owner anti-Pattern

During my attendance at Agile2007 I learned about several anti-patterns for Agile adoption. I heard consistent stories of insufficient planning, poorly assembled backlogs, and ambiguous definitions of done. For many Agile teams, these smells are all too real. To help discuss them I have come up with a name around which we may build a vocabulary. The Pattern Name The […]

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1 Sep

Vista 64 Indexing Issue

I installed Google Desktop and found that what this did to the performance of my machine was just not livable. After uninstalling Google Desktop and Sidebar and re-enabling search and Vista sidebar I kept receiving indexing errors in my Application Event Log. Mostly they were from Outlook and my performance was tubing. I wanted to […]

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28 Aug

The Definitive Agile Reading List

I have been asked several times for reading recommendations for people looking to implement Agile in their organization. Providing that list is difficult because there are so many different ideas of what it means to be Agile. The concepts, practices, techniques, and values of Agile that matter most to individuals depend very much on their role in an […]

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28 Aug

I am 64 Bit

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Just like Hanselman, I was a bit apprehensive in deciding to install 64 bit Vista on my new machine. What would be different? Would my drivers work? What would break that I totally depend on in my toolbox? My new machine happens to be a Dell Latitude D830. The driving factor behind installing Vista64 on […]

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