13 Jun

DocZone.com – I am in the wrong business

DocZone.com provides an XML based authoring environment for teams of technical or other business writers.  Incorporated into their solution is document management, translation services, workflow, XML WYSIWYG editing (obviously), checkin/checkout, and other typical document management system services.  DocZone.com actually offers a compelling product for the market segment that eschews system ownership as an unwanted IT investment.  This is […]

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11 Jun

BizTalk Training

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This week I will be camped in a room with 11 of my best compatriots learning all about BizTalk 2006.  I am excited about how we have built this training for our team because we are actually training on a system before we deploy it to the enterprise.  We do not have any critical business […]

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10 Jun

Franklin Covey Vista Widget

I maintain interest in self management frameworks and a friend recently introduced me to the Franklin Covey software tools, most specifically the Plan Plus for Outlook product.  I downloaded the demo version to evaluate.  The results of that evaluation are the subject of a different discussion. When installing the software, I was surprised when the installer laid down a […]

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9 Jun

Search Boutiques

When my mother, my wife, and my ten year old both use Google as a verb (as in, “I Googled it”) it is a pretty safe bet that Google won the search war.  Even though the big war has been fought, have you noticed the many little skirmishes are still going in the bushes on the […]

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8 Jun

Open Architecture is Officially Lingo

Category:UncategorizedTag: :

I recently attended a financial planning meeting graciously hosted by my company.  We are in the process of changing 401K planning providers and this was a little “Saving for Retirement 101”. Midway through the presentation the financial planner speaking to the group drops this little bomb into his spiel, “And our mutual fund selection process offers an […]

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