15 May


Category:UncategorizedTag: :4 Comments on Butters

I just did something I vowed never to do. Ever. Maybe it isn’t enough that I have the responsibility of feeding a wife, 4 kids, 2 cats, and a pair of guinea pigs.  Apparently that wasn’t enough. Meet Butters.  Specifically, meet Grammy Buttercup Starr, the newest member of our family.  Butters is pictured here at 2 […]

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15 May

Scrum Team Kiosk

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Teams are most effective when actionable data is transparent and obvious, ala information radiators.  Software build status, current sprint burn down, story and task details, and quality metrics are all needed to guide successful decisions. A recent Elegant Code screencast prescribed a formula for software wellness focusing on a real time defect management process.  A significant element of success for us […]

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13 May

Tortoise TFS / The Turtle Project

Before you get excited, I am unaware of a real TortoiseTFS available today.  Am I the only one who wishes it existed, though? Well, no.  These guys over at CodePlex also know a good idea when they hear one.  The Turtle project was off to a slow start (haw haw) and it looks like it is ready to […]

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13 May

Scrum and the User Experience Team

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What follows is an email republished here with permission from our Director of User Experience, Julie Cabinaw.  Julie agreed to let me blog her slightly modified email to show how pervasive Scrum has become in our company.  We are not just using Scrum with developers, but with a User Experience Team, database folks, content writers, […]

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13 May

An Epiphany of Purpose

Category:UncategorizedTag: :

I have worked at Healthwise, in Boise, for almost 10 years.  We are a not-for-profit organization focused on creating content explaining medicine to lay people to assist them in making better healthcare decisions.  Formally, our mission is succinctly stated as: Healthwise helps people make better health decisions. Of course, my role at Healthwise is focused on software […]

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12 May

Where Have I Been?

Category:UncategorizedTag: :

I have been blog-negligent lately.  I haven’t worked a full day in 2 weeks and it looks like I wont be doing so for at least another 2 weeks.  Probably more. My wife had back surgery Thursday and she is drugged up, but healing. I am being mom and dad to all 4 kids, but thankfully […]

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8 May

On Strategy and Leadership

Category:UncategorizedTag: :

From Stephen Vincent Benet’s free-verse poem, John Brown’s Body, published in 1928. If you take a flat mapAnd move wooden blocks upon it strategically,The thing looks well, the blocks behave as they should.The science of war is moving live men like blocks.And getting the blocks into place at a fixed moment.But it takes time to […]

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3 May

Answers on Software Wellness

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A few days ago I posted a presentation entitled Counting to Zero, A Software Wellness Program for Iterative Development Teams.  We are implementing this program in my workplace, and I have had questions worthy of open discussion. In order for these questions to have context, I recommend you watch the presentation. Question #1 Shouldn’t teams be incented […]

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