2 May

EMRs, IT, and The WalMart Effect

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WalMart recently announced an initiative to open 400 medical clinics in their stores in the next few years.  This has the potential to rewrite the playbook on primary care clinical reimbursement models.  Further, WalMart has announced that they intend to partner with local health providers like hospitals to staff their in-store clinics.  One could argue […]

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2 May

More on Microsoft and Open Source

Jon Galloway wrote a fantastic summary of Microsoft’s unofficial explanation for their non-inclusion of OSS in their products.  Apparently he was able to discuss this at MIX with someone in the know and they provided him with a good explanation of the situation. Basically, Microsoft’s position seems to come down to this: Redistributing Open Source Software presents […]

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1 May

Counting to Zero : Software Wellness Screencast

Are you in development team that works in iterations on multiple software products?  Have you noticed that some of your software doesn’t get the attention to quality it needs?  Are your defect counts growing along with your velocity? My first screen cast, Counting to Zero, A Software Wellness Program for Iterative Software Development Teams, is now available as […]

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29 Apr

Tell Me What to Read

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I have lost discipline in my reading list, and I am actively seeking your help.  Below is a picture of my bed side table.  From Tolkein to UML to Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, I need to decide what to read next.  I hereby resolve to read only one book at a time and to do it in […]

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27 Apr

The Risk of Reading From Paper

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The web has spoiled us for timely content.  While I really enjoy the feel of a book or magazine in my hands, I cannot help but be wary of the content therein if it is technical or health related. Print and other product publication cycles simply take too long and printed content is at high risk of being […]

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