9 Jan

5 Things

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The 5 Things You Don’t Know About Me blog tagging game got me. My buddy and co-worker Matt Berther tagged me, so I will respond in kind. I am pretty transparent and self-revealing person, so some of this might not really be much a surprise for some. I am basically detrimentally uncensored about myself. In […]

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6 Jan

2 Quick Book Reviews

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Getting Real by 37 Signals Brought to us by the creators of Ruby on Rails, the self published Getting Real is as much self aggrandizing manifesto as it is a guidebook for making great software on a realistic budget. The themes represented in this book read like a set of digg tag names. Iterative. Hip. […]

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3 Jan

What is wrong with me?

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It is 1:06 in the afternoon and I just realized that my shirt is on inside out.  Has been all day.  At work. The best part is that I interviewed someone (a nicely dressed someone) who undoubtedly noticed this. Also, I have sat in meetings all morning with people who have no doubt seen this […]

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1 Jan

The Apple iTV

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Rumor has it that in January, the Apple ecosystem is growing to include this simply sick device. It looks like a $300 device that will act as a media sync station for movies, Internet video junk, podcasts, videocasts, etc., and then allow them to play on your TV, your iPod, your PC or your Mac. […]

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