25 Feb

Reporters and Technical Language

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As if we needed more confirmation that we technologists talk funny to nuero-typicals, I give you the following:

In a news story about Boise Code Camp, the following paragraphs appeared in this article of the Idaho Statesman.

The camp will include:

Teaching workers how to use, create and deliver applications that allow computers to download programs from the Internet.

Increasing computing power and reducing hardware and operating costs by running multiple computers inside one piece of hardware.

Technical, legal and ethical issues involving the creation of large, complex software systems by repurposing programs already available over networks like the Internet.

What do those things even mean? The first one was about SOA, the second about Virtualization, and the last point is about MashUps.

A smart man once said that any publicity is good publicity, so I am thankful for the representation in the paper. Please don’t take these quotes as an indicator of the quality of the sessions we will have at Code Camp. I look forward to seeing you there!