25 Mar

Microsoft 2008 Server

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Is it 2008? I am just checking because I thought maybe it would be high time to bake in the ability to mount an ISO into a modern operating system. You know, like OS X does.

Seriously! And don’t think I don’t realize I am sounding like a turtle neck wearing, smug, metrosexual developer. Dang it, I hate that, too!

This may be a pet peeve, but c’mon! I just want to mount an ISO without downloading 3rd party software and instead I get Texas Hold’em baked into the OS installer disk?


4 thoughts on “Microsoft 2008 Server

  1. Hey, while we are at it, and since 2008 and vista sp1 are supposed to be based on the same code, bake it (both mounting and creating) into Vista as well… All versions, not just the really expensive ones.

    I don’t own turtlenecks either. 8^)

  2. I know support zip archives was a big issue a few years ago. Gues Microsoft’s monopoly is the problem for stuff like this.

    But I agree, it would be great to have ISO support from the Microsoft bits.

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