Is MSpec an Internal DSL?…And is that okay?

In my last post on MSpec, John Sonmez commented:

When I see the MSpec code, I think about it being an internal DSL for doing the testing, and I start to think that perhaps it should just go ahead and be it?s own language instead of trying to live inside of C#. On the other hand, I wonder about the value of using another language to unit test C# code?

I think John was spot-on with his instinct ? in my opinion, MSpec is an internal DSL.? I also think that is the beauty of the framework.? Domain-specific languages are meant to solve a target problem in a particular domain.? MSpec?s problem domain is testing .NET code.? By convention, it constrains you to its limited language to help you test your code in a meaningful yet powerful manner.

What is an Internal DSL?

According to Martin Fowler:

?Internal DSLs are particular ways of using a host language to give the host language the feel of a particular language…Internal DSLs are also referred to as embedded DSLs or FluentInterfaces?? (from Bliki article: Domain Specific Language)

?Internal DSLs use the same general purpose programming language that the wider application uses, but uses that language in a particular and limited style.?
(from DSL-WIP section: Using Domain Specific Languages)

But, as John wondered, is there value in using another language (external DSL) to test C# code?

Perhaps.? Yet, I believe there is more value in using external DSLs to test user interfaces (e.g., WatiR, WatiN, and Selenium), or for build scripting (e.g.,Rake, psake).

Let?s look at that question a little differently: Is there value in using an internal DSL (like MSpec) to test C# code?

To that I give a resounding YES! MSpec?s host language is C#?which provides great value to me.? I get all the benefits of intellisense, refactoring, and (R#) navigation in my IDE.? I don?t have to worry about the impedance mismatch between my code and an external DSL.

You Probably Use DSLs All the Time

In fact, I use several DSLs every day when I code.

Consider the following table of frameworks. You may not have thought any of these in the context of a domain-specific language, but each has a specific purpose with its own limited language constructs. Some are internal, some external.

DSL Type Host Language Problem Domain
StructureMap Internal C# Dependency injection
Inversion of control
AutoMapper Internal C# Object-to-object mapping
RhinoMocks Internal C# Proxy object interaction and verification
Moq Internal C# Proxy object interaction and verification
jQuery Internal JavaScript Document traversal
Event handling
Cascading Style Sheets External English Presentation semantics
Rake External Ruby Build/task automation
psake External PowerShell Build/task automation
nAnt External XML Build/task automation
SQL External English Data management
Cucumber External Gherkin Behavior-driven development

When considering a framework within your host language: If the framework has a fluent interface with language devoted to a specific problem domain, it is probably an internal DSL.

So is MSpec an internal DSL? Yes.

And is that okay? Definitely.

Further Reading

Check out Martin Fowler?s articles on domain-specific languages:

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