Pluralcast 22 : How gets built with Keith Brown
Listen to this episode! [31:30]
If you think ASP.NET Web Forms automatically results in boilerplate, procedural code, this show is for you. Turns out, there are some techniques we can apply to Web Forms (like a salve) that make them creamier and delicious. Keith tells us how gets built, along with the tools, techniques, patterns, and practices that the team uses.
Okay, okay, the team really boils down to Keith, Fritz, and me, but that?s not the point! The point is, there is some coolness under the covers, and this show peals them back.
– Dave Starr
Keith Brown
Keith is a co-founder of Pluralsight where he oversees the developer security curriculum, which has an impact across all of Pluralsight’s course offerings. Keith spends most of his time researching security techniques and technologies, and has spent a decade teaching and developing course material for professional software developers. Keith is a contributing editor for MSDN Magazine, where he wrote the Security Briefs column for eight years. Keith regularly contributes feature articles to the magazine, while focusing his attention most recently on his blog.
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