24 Mar

Basic JavaScript Part 12: Function Hoisting

Here are the links to the previous installments: Functions Objects Prototypes Enforcing New on Constructor Functions Hoisting Automatic Semicolon Insertion Static Properties and Methods Namespaces Reusing Methods of Other Objects   The Module Pattern   Functional Initialization In a previous post I already discussed the phenomenon of hoisting in JavaScript. In that post I showed […]

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21 Mar

Pluralcast 38 : Liam McLennan on JavaScript

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 Listen here! [34:45] In this episode, Liam McLennan clues us in on why JavaScript is becoming the cool old kid on the block and of course, Kate Gregory lays down some visual Studio Kung Fu. Liam McLennan Liam is a freelance web developer, working mostly with Microsoft tools and technology, based in Brisbane Australia. Since […]

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17 Mar

Taking Baby Steps with Node.js – “node_modules” Folders

Here are the links to the previous installments: Introduction Threads vs. Events Using Non-Standard Modules Debugging with node-inspector CommonJS and Creating Custom Modules Node Version Management with n Taking Baby Steps with Node.js ? Implementing Events BDD Style Unit Tests with Jasmine-Node Sprinkled With Some Should For this post I want to quickly share a […]

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7 Mar

Pluralcast 37 : HTML 5 with Craig Shoemaker

Category:General PostTag: :

 Listen to this Episode! [30:24] You know that new technology you?ve been avoiding even though you know it is out there? Looming? Here it is! HTML 5 and it might not be what you think. Craig Shoemaker introduces us to HTML 5 and of course, Kate Gregory lays down some Visual Studio Kung Fu. Craig […]

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