31 May

Building IG Outlook Part 3 – Creating the Mail Module

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This is the third video in a series that will take you step-by-step on building a Prism application that mimics Microsoft Outlook.  In this video we will create the first module in the application called the Mail module.  We concentrate on just stubbing out the module project, creating a module catalog, adding the Mail module […]

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30 May

Building IG Outlook Part 2 – Creating the Shell

This is the second video in a series that will take you step-by-step on building a Prism application that mimics Microsoft Outlook.  In this video, I walk you through creating a shell for both the WPF and Silverlight platforms.  This is a relatively short video, because shells are just so stinking easy.  The only concept […]

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15 May

Taking Toddler Steps with Node.js – Passport

Recently I added Twitter authentication to TrackMyRun using a library called Passport. I was pretty impressed how smooth this all went as I completely neglected all security concerns from the get go, which is definitely not recommended by the way. For this post I?ll walk you through the process of setting up Passport for Express […]

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3 May

Nancy : Now with Mono builds on every commit

We?ve always tried to make sure that Nancy being able to run on Mono for every new release we put out. Since neither me or @Grumpydev use Mono or MonoDevelop as our primary development environment, nor does a lot of our contributors, we?ve always found ourselves having to play ?mono-catch-up? at the end of each […]

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