26 Jan

Introducing Elegant Code Solutions

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I am announcing the launch of Elegant Code Solutions, LLC. This marks my decision to join the community as an independent trainer, developer, coach, and consultant. For the last four years I have worked for Scrum.org and Microsoft, and I am coming back to my happiest professional roots: Helping teams improve their agility with professionalism and technical excellence.

I am starting my practice with work focused on what I know best: training, coaching, and software consulting. I am looking forward to running more compilers than Power Point decks, and I already have a few prospects in motion.

Ideally, I?d love Elegant Code Solutions (ECS) to grow into a cooperative of like-minded indies who can vouch for each other so we can work together and bid bigger jobs. This guild model would be the second pass I?ve taken at this idea, and I look forward to the possibilities of learning from our earlier efforts.

That said, one step at a time wins the race. For now I am establishing ECS as my own endeavor, knowing I have a huge community of talented professionals and friends to call upon for support and staffing projects.

What This Means for ElegantCode.com

Not much, really. Everyone who has ever published here is still welcome to do so. I passed the whole ECS model by the current Elegant Code bloggers and they are cool with it. Some would love to participate in the opportunities we hope arise.

I will try my best to pick up my blogging efforts and ElegantCode.com will be my blog home. I invite anyone who would like to write, and can back it up with decent writing skills and relevant content, to contact me about joining our little blogging community.

ElegantCode.com was founded on January 2, 2003 as a personal blog, and grew into a community blog which has enjoyed significant success for last 12 years. A wealth of knowledge still lives in our archives, despite fewer blog posts being created these last few years. Twitter really did kill the blog-writing Starr :-), and only a few of us still post on a regular basis.

ElegantCode.com has always been a hobby and has never been directly used for profit. I hope to semi-keep it that way.

Thank You

Thank you, dear reader, for 12 great years on the blog and an even better future for the software development industry we are building together.

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