
A software blog

20 Jun

Authentication error connecting to Git on TFS

Category:General PostTag: :

I’m throwing this out there since I couldn’t find much on this specific problem. #payingItForward Problem I struggled getting the git command line to authenticate with Git Team Foundation Service online. My current environment is Windows 8, msysgit, with the git-credential-winstore tool installed. (Love that credential tool) When I first tried to (push, fetch, or […]

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3 Jun

Jackson Data Binding Message Serialization

Category:UncategorizedTag: , :

So now that I have a custom game server connected to a message-based infrastructure, I need a way to send messages back and forth to other parts of the system.  Messages going to and from the custom game server are transmitted as JSON given that the format is easy to work with, supported in all […]

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31 May

Taking Baby Steps with ScriptCS

I?ve been following the ScriptCS project with great interest over the last couple of months. As you may know by now, I?ve been searching for a more lightweight .NET development experience for quite some time. The ScriptCS project is here to fulfill this desperate need. Driven by the open-source .NET community, this wonderful initiative promises […]

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9 May

Developer humor

I literally cried this morning as I scanned these posts. Note: Don’t have a drink in hand or mouth when reading these. Enjoy: http://martinvalasek.com/blog/pictures-from-a-developers-life http://martinvalasek.com/blog/pictures-from-a-developers-life-part-2 http://martinvalasek.com/blog/pictures-from-a-developers-life-part-3 If you’re a git user. http://wheningit.tumblr.com/

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6 May

Brian’s Resizer App

Category:General PostTag: :

Today I was pleased to learn Brian?s Sizer App is still out there and still works, even with Windows 8. Just install it and right-click to snap a window to a specific size. This tool was indispensible to me when deving for web and I find myself needing it again these days in building mockups. […]

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