
A software blog

18 Apr

Create a Custom Prism RegionAdapter

Don’t want to read the article?  Watch the video tutorial on Xaml TV. Prism provides 4 region adapters out of the box for you: ContentControlRegionAdapter SelectorRegionAdaptor ItemsControlRegionAdapter TabControlRegionAdapter (Silverlight only) Well, what happens when you want to use a different control as a region host?  Simple.  You need to write a custom region adapter for […]

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11 Apr

Validate a Property Against a Parent Collection

I was monitoring my Twitter feed, like I always do, and saw a tweet come through asking about how to validate an object?s property against it?s parent ObservableCollection in the Infragistics XamDataGrid.  What this person was trying to accomplish was to validate a duplicate item in his data source.  They have a POCO object the […]

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10 Apr

Getting hacked and seven levels of indirection

OK, cat out of the bag here, Elegant Code got hacked.  Most likely because someone figured out a username/password on the site.   That is the boring part.  Blah blah blah, use strong passwords, make sure you don’t have sql injection, js injection, etc.  OK, onto the interesting part!   What did the hackers do with this […]

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7 Apr

Seeing the Team in the Code

Category:General PostTag: :

Conway’s Law reads: Any organization that designs a system (defined more broadly here than just information systems) will inevitably produce a design whose structure is a copy of the organization’s communication structure. While it has served as a fun adage since its introduction in 1968, recent studies show evidence that Conway’s Law exists. One such […]

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6 Apr

Taking Toddler Steps with Node.js – Express Error Handling

In the previous post I wrote about my personal routing flavor for Express. For this post, I want to briefly discuss how to set up error handling using Express. In order to get up and going very quickly, we only need to add the errorHandler middleware provided by Connect. application.use(express.errorHandler({ showStack: true, dumpExceptions: true })); […]

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