3 Jun

Jackson Data Binding Message Serialization

Category:UncategorizedTag: , :

So now that I have a custom game server connected to a message-based infrastructure, I need a way to send messages back and forth to other parts of the system.  Messages going to and from the custom game server are transmitted as JSON given that the format is easy to work with, supported in all […]

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3 May

Server WebSocket Clients, with Jetty

Category:UncategorizedTag: , :

Previously I discussed how to write a Server which uses a persistent WebSocket Client, using the Netty framework to make things go.  Netty is configured through establishing a Channel Pipeline, which is great if you need a very flexible system for handling network input and output.  For most projects however, this sort of power can […]

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29 Apr

Server WebSocket Clients

Category:UncategorizedTag: , :

I’ve been working on a system involving connecting custom game servers to a larger, message based and multi-tenant infrastructure.  The custom game server I was writing requires a persistent connection to the larger system, since messages originate from all directions (from/to client, from other servers, from the infrastructure, from thin air…).  And while the code […]

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8 Nov

What’s on your software bucket list?

One of my favourite drinking topics with fellow geeks right now is a software bucket list.   What are the things that you would love to write before the end of your career.  No limits.  Write a list and compare with others.  This makes a great interview question too.  Forget ‘learning android’ or JavaScript.  What are […]

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18 Jan

Monitoring an MMO

I’ve been working on a free-to-play MMO which has been “officially” live since last April, and things have been going well – a steady growth of players; the game itself has been well-received, and all the important graphs are “up and to the right.”  Part of my job involves detecting problems before they become serious […]

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15 Jun

Jetty Startup Problems Due to Entropy

Category:UncategorizedTag: , , , :

On the MMO I’m working on, we do quite a bit of service monitoring via jetty.  Things like having a URL that reports back version information for a component, or a page full of statistics showing recent activity, or a way to trigger a self-check in a component to determine if the component is sane […]

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