
A software blog

5 Jul

Pluralcast 19 : OData with Matt Milner

Category:UncategorizedTag: :

  Listen to this Episode [45:12] What?s all this OData talk? Find out in this episode with Matt Milner, who helps us understand this new way of publishing and consuming data on the web. Matt also tells us about a project he recently did for Pluralsight in which he published his first ?real? OData feed. […]

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2 Jul

Using TransactionScope with SQLite

Category:UncategorizedTag: :

Earlier this week I ran into a little quirk with SQLite. Take a look at the following code snippet: using(var transaction = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required)) { using(var connection1 = new SQLiteConnection(_connectionString)) { connection1.Open(); … // Do stuff with the open connection } // Closes the connection (so we think …) using(var connection2 = new SQLiteConnection(_connectionString)) { […]

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2 Jul

Book Review: Switch – How to Change Things When Change is Hard

After hearing about this book in an interview with Mary and Tom Poppendieck, I decided to immediately purchase the audio version on Audible and listen to it during my daily commute to and from work. This book is all about how to enable and inspire change in all kinds of environments, be it at work, […]

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1 Jul

Software Craftsmanship and Giving Back

This spring I had the distinct honor of teaching a .Net programming course at Boise State University.  Going into the course I was definitely unsure of what to expect. From David Starr’s horror stories of burning ERD’s to cautious skepticism from other professors I entered this senior level class half wondering if I’d be teaching […]

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25 Jun

Learning JavaScript – Checking The Declaration of a Variable

Judging from my previous post, some people might have come to the conclusion that I?m in the process of learning a wonderful programming language called JavaScript. Well, they?re right! It is a fascinating programming language although it has its quirks and pitfalls. Have a look at the following piece of code: var someString = "Hi […]

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21 Jun

Pluralcast 18 : BDD in .NET with StoryQ

Category:General PostTag: :

   Listen to this episode! [31:03] This episode is a visit with Rob Fonseca-Ensor, the HCIC (Head Craftsman in Charge) of StoryQ, a BDD testing framework for .NET. I used StoryQ in this talk at TechEd 2010 and have used it in production for awhile now. I really like this framework as a vehicle for […]

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20 Jun

Prefer Additional Methods Over Additional Overloads

If you have ever written code that is going to be used as an API for other programmers, you may start to think about writing code in a different viewpoint from what you normally do. Most of us write code for the purpose of achieving a goal.  If we practice writing elegant code, we are […]

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