9 Dec

Refactoring Isa to Hasa

So the natural evolution of a few of my last posts is to put all of the functions together from my base class into a single usable class all it’s own. Aggregating these things into a single class makes the functions portable between web apps so that these things do not need to be rewritten […]

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7 Dec

Channel 9

I love Channel 9.  Here is a little demo on C# Express and some of the refactoring capabilities. http://channel9.msdn.com/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=14793  This may be whining, but when you are prompted to include a namespace for an unknown type with a smart tag, it kind of bugs me.  Why should I have to click on that teeny little […]

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3 Dec

Parsing Page Parameters in ASP.Net

This will be obvious to most, but I am slow to catch up to the rest of you.  Are you tired of writing parameter validation code in your ASP.Net pages? Usually it looks something like this: 1protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) 2{ 3   if( !this.IsPostBack ) 4   { 5       projName = this.ParseRequiredParam(“p”); 6       if( projName == null […]

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29 Nov

Why I Uninstalled Firefox

Get ready to flame me.  I know it is coming and I don’t care. I just uninstalled Firefox after giving it a half-hearted chance to be my browser.  I say half-hearted because I really didn’t care if it worked or not as I knew it would be easier to use IE, and I was right.  Firefox […]

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29 Nov

The Aquitaine Progression : Robert Ludlum

I have a terrible habit of reading the same author until I have exhausted all of that author’s books. I ripped through Nelsen DeVille in a single month, for instance. After being thoroughly disappointed in The Sigma Protocol I thought that I would give the late-great Robert Ludlum another chance by reading a different one […]

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23 Nov

21st Century Christmas List

In a move that stunned me, my mother has requested that I post my Christmas list online. Now this is a great move because I can hotlink directly to items that I want so that there is no question what I am talking about.  This should prevent a request for slippers ending up with rabbit […]

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