24 Jun

Microsoft Toolbar

So, install the new MSN Messenger yet? You get an option to install the MSN Toolbar. Ha ha ha. What the heck? So there it now sits under my Google bar and I cannot help but laugh. Talk about a blatent ripoff! Yeah, yeah, I know. Windows and all. Initial impressions? It ticks me off […]

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24 Jun

Linksys vs. Netgear : New Router

My Linksys BEFW11S4 (2nd one) died again this weekend. I took a note from Matt Berther‘s pages and replaced it with a NetGear WGR614 unit. I installed it tonight with no issues and from my first impressions, I like it better. The admin console is nicely laid out and the install wizard was handy. I have small […]

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12 Jun

Visual Studio Team System

If you haven’t seen this, see it. http://msdn.microsoft.com/msdntv/episode.aspx?xml=episodes/en/20040603TeamSystemBH/manifest.xml It looks like Microsoft has finally responded to enterprise development team needs in terms of Software Development LifeCycle tools. Issue Management Project Management Integration A true split for team member roles ( Architect, Developer, Tester ) Shared Code Clipping Model driven code generation A complete revamp for VSS ( thank […]

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11 Jun

Just bought a Tiger

Yet again, my favorite web site comes through again. I just bought a Tiger. This one is a little closer to home, in Sun Valley, Idaho. Here’s the post that started it all. http://www.advrider.com/forums/showthread.php?t=42000&highlight=tiger  

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23 May

Big Bike Trip Summary

This is one last post to cover the whole trip and put things in order, since the blog goes backwards chronologically. Day 1 | Photos Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 | Photos Day 5 Day 6 | Photos Day 7 | Photos | Gene’s Photos Final Route Map And one last story from the […]

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22 May

Kansas Harley Politics

After entering Kansas at Leavenworth I found an interesting conversation . I have actually been here before years ago with Elle ina different life and time before we were married. This time I didn’t visit the prison. It was a great ride west through rolling countryside. Eastern Kansas is just as scenic as Missouri and […]

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