27 Sep

Pluralcast 25 : Windows Phone 7

Category:General PostTag: :

Listen Now! [48:11] Windows Phone 7 is poised to soon move beyond walls of Microsoft and into consumers hands. That means we developers can start to think about actually writing apps for the device and this show introduces us to the developer experience for Windows Phone 7. Adam Grocholski Adam is a Technical Evangelist at […]

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21 Sep

OData’s DataServiceQuery and removing the .Expand(“MagicStrings”)

I was experimenting recently with the .Net implementation of OData and ran across one of my pet peeves. ?Magic Strings?. Apparently, the .Net community?s definition of magic strings is close but seems slightly different from Wikipedia. Therefore the magic strings I?m talking about here are what you?ll find on such posts as ?Functional .Net ? […]

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30 Aug

Pluralcast 23 : Visual Studio LightSwitch with Jay Schmelzer

  Listen to this episode! [41:23] Have you been hearing the chatter about Visual Studio LightSwitch? It is a new technology from Microsoft targeted at quickly building line of business apps. And for a bit more sweetness, it builds tiered Silverlight apps for us! LightSwitch is currently in Beta 1, but seems destined for being […]

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1 Jul

Software Craftsmanship and Giving Back

This spring I had the distinct honor of teaching a .Net programming course at Boise State University.  Going into the course I was definitely unsure of what to expect. From David Starr’s horror stories of burning ERD’s to cautious skepticism from other professors I entered this senior level class half wondering if I’d be teaching […]

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