21 Jun

Pluralcast 18 : BDD in .NET with StoryQ

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   Listen to this episode! [31:03] This episode is a visit with Rob Fonseca-Ensor, the HCIC (Head Craftsman in Charge) of StoryQ, a BDD testing framework for .NET. I used StoryQ in this talk at TechEd 2010 and have used it in production for awhile now. I really like this framework as a vehicle for […]

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7 Jun

Pluralcast 17 : M, the Modeling Language

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Listen to this episode! [35:36] Microsoft Regional Director and Connected Systems MVP, Steward Celarier joined me for a discussion of M, DSLs, and other things modeling related at the 2010 Seattle Code Camp. If you have heard of the M language and wondered if it was: An AI app that generates the liner notes to […]

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23 May

Pluralcast 16 : A Software Journeyman’s Journey

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   Listen to this episode! [34:14]  Liam McLennan is an independent software developer based in Brisbane, Australia. He recently packed  his bags and came to the U.S. to attend some developer community events, but in the week between events traveled across the country pairing with other developers. Liam shares tales of his travels in this […]

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17 May

Silverlight 4 Tool RTW and WCF RIA Services v1.0 ships today

Hey Silverlight gals and pals, Looks like the RTW of the Silverlight tools has arrived.  I know what you are thinking, Hasn’t Silverlight 4 already shipped? Yes it has, but the tools team has a dependency on the runtime, so they cannot finish their stuff until the runtime has shipped, hence the beta of the tools […]

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10 May

Pluralcast 15 : SQL Server Under the Covers

Category:General PostTag: :

  Listen to this episode! [54:51] Dan Sullivan takes us beyond the typical discussion of SQL Server features to the inner depths of databases. Ever wonder how locking concurrency works inside relational databases? Wonder no more! Just listen to this show. Dan Sullivan Dan is a member of the technical staff at Pluralsight, where he […]

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4 May

Hello World!

Category:General PostTag: :

I wanted to post up a short blog post and thank the people of Elegant Code for the invite.  I am honored to be a member of the community.  My name is Bill Moore, and my passion is Silverlight.  I work with my wife @ Coden UX.   You can find information on our company here: […]

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