25 Oct

Integration Test Brought to you by Powershell & NUnit – with a Little Specification Syntax for Flavoring

One of the tools I?ve used the last half of a year and really enjoyed is the C# specification extension methods when writing unit test assertions. If you?re looking for a little more background on the topic, I wrote about Fluent Specification Extensions in a past blog. Recently I wanted to execute a PowerShell script […]

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9 Oct

Poker Planning for Windows Mobile

I got annoyed this week.  We were doing our planning poker (with the cards) when one of my coworkers broke out his IPhone instead.  He had a planning poker app on his freaking IPhone.  I whipped out my Windows Mobile phone and ? did nothing.  I grabbed a deck of card and moved on. Afterwards […]

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6 Oct

AutoMapper Introduction and Samples from NETDUG

In September, Cory Isakson and I presented AutoMapper to the Boise .NET Developer User Group (NETDUG).  As promised, I have included the sample code here.  AutoMapper 1.0 RC1 is available on the CodePlex site. At my company, we have embraced convention-over-configuration throughout our applications, from our data access framework (Fluent NHibernate) to our IoC container […]

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14 Sep

Silverlight tip – Dynamic TextBlock

Category:General PostTag: :

Problem: You need text to dynamically add elipses, "…",  to the end of a sentence.  The difficulty is how do you detect the actual length of the string.  All characters are not created the same.  Ten i?s != ten m?s. Solution: Robby Ingebretsen at NerdPlusArt.com (and of Kaxaml fame) has a dynamic control that does […]

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