26 Sep

Properties – A False Sense of Encapsulation

I’m having more and more mixed feelings about properties in .NET, or accessor methods in general, as properties compile to get_xxx/set_xxx methods behind the covers. I’ve never thought about it that much, but now they seem to have become a warning flag of bad design. Everyone knows by now that public fields are evil. I’m […]

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24 Sep

Fumbling the Future

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If you aren’t familiar with the history of industry that includes the technologies that arose from Xerox PARC, you should be ashamed of yourself. These pioneers invented OOP, Ethernet, GUIs, multitasking, the mouse, and many other things over the course of a few short years. Even so, the value of these innovations was never realized […]

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24 Sep

Beware of slow descents into unmaintainability

I’ve actually been coding again recently which has been a pleasant change. Of course it’s pretty much impossible to balance this with my wider responsibilities of running operations but that’s another story…or perhaps more accurately another post. Over the past year I’ve become a huge fan of the DTO / Presentation Model approach for screens. […]

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22 Sep

Leadership and Self Examination: The 3 Coaching Styles

As well as being a Software guy, I also enjoy coaching “club” soccer to kids. I often find hidden lessons from coaching kids that correlate to being a technical leader in an organization. A few years back I had a conversation with our soccer club director, Dave, regarding some frustration I was having teaching a […]

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