8 Jan

How Many Developers Does It Take to Send Spam?

Apparently, several. I am the 2008 director for Boise Code Camp and I found myself needing to send email to 400 people from our mailing list to tell them about the upcoming Code Camp. I sent an inquiry to our Code camp online group asking the simple question, “How would you send 400 emails?” The […]

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20 Dec

ReSharper 3.1 Released

I am a ReSharper addict.  I admit it.  I have this habit of upgrading my ReSharper every time JetBrains releases a new version. Speaking of which: ReSharper 3.1 is out and ready for download. Or you can read the release notes. But, if you are hoping this will add C# 3.0 support…it doesn’t.  That is […]

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11 Dec

Introducing Microsoft Camano

Microsoft s working on a new test tool. This one if for the people who you think of as testers, not the people MS calls “Software Engineers in Test.” The plain fact is that most testers I have known are technical power users with a nose for technology, but little in the way of programming […]

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