7 Dec

Getting Started with Log4Net

Logging isn’t exactly a hot topic, it is one of those after thought topics really.  You have the software half way written, then you think: “I really should be put some logging in this”.  Now what?  Luckily there are a plethora of solutions: Log4Net, NLog, Microsoft Patterns & Practices Logging Application Block, and others.  (Note […]

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5 Dec

Fun with Generics – From Repository to DTO

Oren posted a pattern for converting Domain entities to DTO’s using a delegate. He made a comment in his post:  “I did try to make it into a framework, but even I can’t make it more complex than this.” I started laughing to myself because I actually tried something similar a few weeks ago, and […]

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30 Nov

VS 2008: First Impressions

OK, I finally upgraded to VS 2008 and am giving it a whirl.  And this is Visual Studio Team Systems Development Edition.  So some things may not apply. But before I really begin, I should note a few things: I’m not using any C# 3.0 features yet.  That means no LINQ, no Lambda, no Anonymous […]

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13 Nov

WCSF Bundles

One of the main things the Web Client Software Factory has done in their latest efforts is target "brownfield" development environments. Many members of the advisory board communicated the factory approach was just not an option, as they had an existing code base too large to refactor in order to adapt to the architecture guidance […]

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10 Nov

Rogue SearchIndexer Process

Son of a nutcracker! I mean, really! Take a look at this screen shot from my services applet. The back story on this is that I had manually disabled the Windows Search Service (not set it to manual, mind you) because it sucks up enough resources to choke a Cracker Barrel regular. After turning the […]

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6 Nov

Querying Sub-Types with Linq

When querying with linq the background compiler automatically infers type information from any implementation of IEnumerable<T> as IEnumerable<anonymous type>. This gives us the IntelliSense we know and love while writing a query against a known type, without being bound to query results of which are of that type. Instead we can project onto new known […]

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