18 Apr

Separating API Layers

I am writing a data access API that abstracts a big pile of XML documents and allows for some business logic on top of them.  Search(), GetContent(), etc. This API should ultimately be available in 3 ways: A compiled DLL assembly that an application can reference. Exposed as a COM+ Enterprise Service. Available on the Internet as […]

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18 Apr

New York — Check

Been there, done that.  That was fun, but I don’t need to do that again any time soon. We had a weird situation develop wherein we ended up driving to Boston and back.  So all in all, we went from Idaho to Long Island to Manhattan to Boston to La Guardia to Boise in about 72 […]

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14 Apr

New York

Matt Berther and I flew in to LaGuardia airport today along with some other co-workers to attend to a client tomorrow.  Neither of us have ever been to New York before and we are rather non-plussed thus far. I don;t know what I was expecting, but so far this isn’t it.  This place is kind of, well, dirty.  […]

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13 Apr

No Code for the Lonely

Since I became a development team manager about 4 years ago, my ability to contribute to lines of code has steadily diminished.  I spend my time in meetings, meetings, and oh yeah, more meetings. SCRUM, design, personnel meetings, reviews, policy setting, vendors, clients… aaargh.  I actually had the first day in my career the other day in which […]

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11 Apr

MSN Messenger 7.0

Is it just me, or is this stupid little app actually fun?  Instant Messenger 7.0 recently shipped, and (lord help me) I like the eye candy in it.  I am just completely ignoring the brilliance of integrated MSN spaces,  integrated MSN and desktop search, highlighting the old and still impractical ability to video conference. Nope, I […]

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4 Apr

New Laptop – Sony VAIO FS550

My wife has been using a Toshiba tablet for a while at home and this weekend we replaced it.  When it comes to consumer electronics, I am not picky.  What can I say, I am just not a hardware guy. I could have bought on-line, but instead went to the local (2) computer stores and browsed […]

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