15 Jan

Boise Code Camp 2.0 Coming Soon

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This year’s Boise Code Camp will be held on Saturday, February 10th at Boise State University (BSU).  Enthusiasm for this year’s Code Camp is escalating and the website already shows plenty of intriguing sessions.  I am signed up to present 2 sessions myself. 

I had lunch last Friday at BSU with the other Code Camp organizers.  Professor Rob Anson from the College of Business and Economics has graciously arranged for the school to host this year’s event. We toured the impressive facility and the venue is very impressive.  There are even labs available for interactive lectures and exercises, but I doubt that anyone will be going to that level at a Code Camp.

Why Code Camp?  Because this is the best training for the price (free) to be had for the software professional on planet earth.    The sessions at Code Camp tend to vary from the very bleeding edge to the pointedly obtuse.  This is a venue for the software professional and the hobbyist alike. (I only recently learned that there are hobbyist programmers).

Lastly, if you work on my team, you can have one day off to prepare if you will volunteer to present a session.

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