12 Jul

Irritating Behavior on iGoogle Bookmarks

Category:UncategorizedTag: , :

Google Bookmarks is a no-brainer application.  To have all of your bookmarks available via your Google Toolbar is great because you get the same set of bookmarks from one browser to another and even one computer to another. Taking that to the next level, you can include the iGoogle Bookmark gadget on your iGoogle page. […]

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9 Jul

ReSharper Unit Testing

Although there are attempts to make it work, ReSharper does not support using MSUnit as the unit testing framework within its unit testing support.  Although I appreciate NUnit and the functionality advantages it has over MSUnit, it does seem an oversight to not support it in a product that is meant to ease the lives of the […]

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4 Jul

Screen Cast: Dream Scene, RocketDock, and Vista Context Menus

There are a few little usability items that I have meant to blog about recently and have not found the time.  Here is a little screencast that I made to mash all of them into one little video that talks about Windows Vista Ultimate Dream Scene, RocketDock (an OSX style widget for Windows), and new […]

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4 Jul

The Question Card Technique

Category:UncategorizedTag: , , :

Teams often need to discover the right way to solve a problem before embarking on the solution itself.  The “R” in Research and Development is why many of us got into this line of work.  Scrum is a powerful technique for producing functional software quickly and efficiently, but how does it handle the problem of research? Scrum teams […]

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1 Jul

*DA : Buzzword Driven and Oriented Architecture, Design, and Development

(SOA) Service Oriented Architecture, (MDA) Model Driven Architecture, (MDE) Model Driven Engineering, (MDD) Model Driven Development, (DDD) Domain Driven Design, (EDA) Event Driven Architecture, (TDD) Test Driven Development. (FDD) Feature Driven Development, (EDP) Event Driven Programming, (BDD) Behavior Driven Development, (AOP) Aspect Oriented Programming, (COP) Concept-oriented programming, (AOP) Attribute Oriented Programming, (OOP) Object Oriented Programming, […]

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28 Jun

Last Butters Update

Category:UncategorizedTag: :

She’s here.  The boys and I went to Portland last week to pick her up and spent a day running around the beach and the Oregon Coast Aquarium.  You can see some great trip pics here.  Butters, the mini bulldog. She is so cool. We went for our first motorcycle ride together last night.

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13 Jun

Are Blog Categories Meaningless?

One of the most common things bloggers do is categorize their blog entries.  I am not talking about Technorati or Digg tags or other shared platforms, I mean the ones inside the blogging engines on the individual sites themselves.  ElegantCode.com has more than 20 categories available but what purpose do they serve?  Does anyone really subscribe […]

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