3 Mar

BizTalk XSLT Schema Mapper

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I have taken to watching Channel 9 videos instead of TV.  There is really great content out there.  The latest video I watched concerns the  the BizTalk Schema Mapper.  It is effectively a visual editor that comes with MS BizTalk used to processes incoming documents and convert them to new XSD comparability formats.  This automated schema matching processor actually […]

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2 Mar

MS Vista + Office 2007 Bastard Processes

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Isn’t it time we stopped seeing this condition?  This is a snap of my Task Manager applet in Windows Vista showing the multiple dead instances of MS Outlook 2007 running in abandoned processes.  Think that one is funny?  Look a few items down at the 2 instances of sidebar.exe running.  Good grief, can’t the people […]

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2 Mar

Channel 9 Brian Harry Interview

Brian Harry was recently interviewed about his career and the evolution of Team System.  Mr. Harry is a Microsoft Distinguished Engineer, an original developer of Visual Source Safe, and currently leads the development team that creates Team System.  His popular blog is a favorite of mine and is full of great advice for anyone using VSTS. Although […]

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22 Feb

Asperger Syndrome : Curse or Super Power?

I have not openly discussed this on my blog, but it is not a secret to those people ho know me that I have been diagnosed with Asperger syndrome.  In fact, at least 2 of my sons have also been diagnosed with this condition.  Wikipedia explains Asperger syndrome this way: Asperger syndrome — also referred to […]

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18 Feb

My First Microsoft Vista Sidebar Gadget

Windows Vista provides a system for running mini-programs on your desktop called Microsoft Gadgets.  Those of you running Vista have already seen them and no doubt installed a few of the simple web search gadgets like Google’s, or Wikipedia’s, or Yahoo’s.  I was looking for something semi-useful to do as a first gadget and decided […]

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15 Feb

Brian Harry on Managing Software Quality

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Team Foundation Server Product Unit Manager Brian Harry has written a stellar series of articles on his blog about managing quality with Visual Studio Team System.  The collection makes for a good 20 minutes of reading if you are really trying to digest it, but the content is well worth it. Managing Quality (part 1) […]

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