16 Oct

Teaching vs. Coaching

I was recently asked my thoughts on teaching versus coaching. Are they the same? What are the differences? Which is more desirable? Although Dictionary.com tells us that coaching and teaching are nearly synonymous, that isn’t interesting. We can redefine the terms for our purposes, and therefore here is a breakdown of the differences as I see […]

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12 Oct

Left Click Context Menu on a System Tray Icon

Although this post doesn’t seem like rocket science, I simply couldn’t find a reference for this technique online so I documented it here. I have an application that a user interacts with primarily as a system tray icon.  I want to show the same context menu popup whether the icon is left or right clicked. […]

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11 Oct

Widgets of Wisdom III

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If you aren’t familiar with the Widgets of Wisdom feature, see the explanation and disclaimer here. Carry?a model at all times to express?your understanding to others. Look for patterns in all systems at all levels. Seeing them is the very essence of insight. At the application level, architecture and design are synonymous. “BizTalk is overkill” […]

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10 Oct

Join Me at IIBA

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Next Monday evening, October 15th, I am speaking on Agile at the Treasure Valley chapter of the IIBA, the International Institute of Business Analysis. BSU professor Rob Anson is building the local chapter of this organization and it seems that Agile management practices are a subject of great interest for the group. This should be […]

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9 Oct

The Netflix Silverlight Experience

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At MIX07, Netflix announced plans to use Silverlight as the player technology for their new video-on-demand service. The Chief Product Officer for Netflix actually cited quick load times as a compelling feature for Netflix subscribers. The idea is that the movies load so fast users can preview movies for a moment and move on if […]

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8 Oct

10 Ways to Stop Context Switching

Context switching is rapidly changing from one focused task to another in a short amount of time. Back when we were ignorant of such things, we called this multi-tasking and thought it was good. While multi-tasking is handy in computers, it is not possible in humans. True multitasking looks more like walking and chewing bubblegum than switching quickly between […]

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8 Oct


Scott Gu‘s announcement over the weekend at the Alt.Net conference in Austin fell upon attentive ears. Although I was not at Alt.Net (lamentably) it seems like a collective hush has fallen over the crowd in anxious anticipation of getting to actually fondle this new namespace. According to Jeffery Palermo’s post on the announcement, the implementation […]

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