24 Jan

A New Year, a New Opportunity

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I wanted to take a quick minute and let everybody know that I am pursuing a new opportunity with my career. I have been with my current employer for 10 years. I know that I have matured a great deal both professionally and personally during that time. I have no doubt that my current job and the relationships I developed have prepared me for the next step in my career. So now you are probably wondering what I am going to do, and to tell you the truth I haven’t cleared with my new employer how much I can write about yet, but I will do that soon.

I can tell you this though, I am going to be managing and developing the software development side of a company that is in startup mode. We will be primarily doing Asp.Net Web Apps, MVC style. This is a little scary for me as I have been doing Win Forms development for the past 5 years, but I have kept my fingers in a lot of web stuff. I am also thinking we are going to build on top of FubuMVC vs. Asp.Net MVC . This is primarily because I am wanting to get involved with the development of FubuMVC as an Open Source Project this year. I have several pages of documentation on getting started with FubuMVC from scratch, I am sanitizing and creating posts / articles out of them as I have time.

I am really excited about this new job, I have a good feeling that it is going to open up lots of new opportunities for me to stay involved with the Alt.Net community, and maybe I will get to see more of you more often.


p.s. I will post more details if/when I am able.

2 thoughts on “A New Year, a New Opportunity

  1. Congratulations, Ryan!

    It feels good to change sometimes. As they say, A change is often as good as a break.

    This change should seed good blog material 🙂

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