23 Nov

JQuery Validator plus Element IDs, and Names

OK, just discovered an interesting implementation detail of JQuery Validator (one that I should have known about already as well). OK, if you have a form where the inputs of the for have both id and name  attributes, the name attributes trump id. So if you have this: 1: <input type=’type’ id=’RegisterUserName’ name=’userName’ /> Then […]

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23 Nov

Silverlight 4 Beta – Using Silverlight as Drop Target

Have you ever wanted to give the user the ability to drag a file from you desktop or file explorer onto your Silverlight application? Well, up until now you couldn’t. What’s that sound? It’s a bird… it’s a plane… no, it’s Silverlight 4 Beta.  Yes, Silverlight 4 Beta is coming to the rescue and giving […]

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23 Nov

Silverlight 4 Beta – Text Trimming

Before Silverlight 4 if you wanted to dynamically add ellipses (the commonly used … to show that the sentence continues), you have to invent your own implementation which usually involves creating your own control that wraps a text based control and then manipulate the text inside based on the size.  Similar to what Robby Ingebretsen […]

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23 Nov

Silverlight 4 Beta – Accessing a users webcam and microphone

So, by now you should have heard that Silverlight 4 Beta was released at PDC 2009. One of the most interesting and fun features included in the release is the ability for you to access a users webcam and microphone. Even a fellow ElegantCoder wrote a short post on it.  But I wanted to go […]

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23 Nov

IIS 7.5 – 401.3 Unauthorized when trying to read a javascript file

Here is one that took me entirely too long to figure out. I downloaded this Nifty Corners Cube javascript? plugin I guess Ill call it? It was used in a past project I was on and I thought it was pretty cool. It will definitely save some time putting out a decent UX without having […]

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