24 Aug

Attributes of a great development team member

My boss’s boss recently asked me, “If an Agile leader were to outline the top characteristic of their best developers, what are they? “ The response was relatively quick, and rather “off the cuff”. After re-reading it, I like my answer! Seeks to help others with any aspect of product development, regardless of her individual specialty […]

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16 Jun

nodemon leaving Node.js process running

Category:General PostTag: :

nodemon is a great tool for use when writing Node.js applications. It is a simple little tool that simply watches for changes in the file system of your project and restarts the Node.js application when a file changes. Of course, there are more options, but that’s the essential idea. Unfortunately, once you launch nodemon it […]

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28 Jan

Definition of Ready

Category:General PostTag: :

There is a practice in many agile conversations known as having a “Definition of Ready” for a Product Backlog item. That is, a given User Story (or other PBI) must meet the Team’s “Definition of Ready” to be considered actionable or even worthy to estimate. This can be desirable from the team’s perspective when they […]

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