
A software blog

3 May

Server WebSocket Clients, with Jetty

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Previously I discussed how to write a Server which uses a persistent WebSocket Client, using the Netty framework to make things go.  Netty is configured through establishing a Channel Pipeline, which is great if you need a very flexible system for handling network input and output.  For most projects however, this sort of power can […]

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3 May

Introducing node-validation

Category:UncategorizedTag: :

Some time ago I was looking for a validation library/module for use in a small Express application that I was writing at the time. I couldn?t find anything that suited my taste so I decided to write one myself just for kicks. The goal was learning how to publish a module to npm and making […]

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29 Apr

Server WebSocket Clients

Category:UncategorizedTag: , :

I’ve been working on a system involving connecting custom game servers to a larger, message based and multi-tenant infrastructure.  The custom game server I was writing requires a persistent connection to the larger system, since messages originate from all directions (from/to client, from other servers, from the infrastructure, from thin air…).  And while the code […]

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15 Apr

Estimating for Software Development, Delivery, and Deadlines

This was a fun talk from the 2013 ALM Summit, back in January. I didn’t even know it was online until someone tweeted it :). The ideas expressed here are around the pragmatism of using estimation as a technique, but not getting lost in the weeds. In other words, admit that we need some process […]

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7 Apr

My Work Kanban Support in Visual Studio 2012 Update 2

My team at Microsoft is responsible for the My Work feature in Visual Studio Ultimate. The My Work feature focuses a developer’s immediate work in a single, actionable view. My Work presents TFS Work Items assigned to me in a view that allows quick and easy integration with checking in code. This aims to reduce […]

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22 Mar

Basic JavaScript: Prototypical Inheritance vs. Functional Inheritance

Inheritance in JavaScript has been the topic of many discussions in the past and will continue to be the source of future debates and arguments. While we do value composition over inheritance, we don?t want to throw the baby out with the bathwater either. So, from time to time, we run into these cases where […]

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19 Mar

RichEditBox gives UnauthorizedAccessException (Access is denied) error when SetText called.

Category:General PostTag: :

While working on a little WinRT app I recently spent WAY too much time trying to figure out why I was getting the following exception System.UnauthorizedAccessException was unhandled by user code   HResult=-2147024891   Message=Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))   Source=Windows.UI   StackTrace:        at Windows.UI.Text.ITextDocument.SetText(TextSetOptions options, String value) when all I […]

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12 Mar

Windows 8 Share Charm Data Inspector

Category:General PostTag: :

In a previous post I mentioned I would share the app I created during a Windows 8 hackathon event. I spent some more time adding polish, testing, re-thinking my initial designs and today, I?m excited to say that it is now in the app store! What does this app do? The Share Data Inspector is […]

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