
A software blog

5 Oct

Chocolatey – The free and open source windows app store.

If you haven?t heard of it, you?re about to be delighted. Every developer (at least those on Windows) should know about this project, if for nothing more than to make life setting up your dev machine a piece of cake. What is Chocolatey? Straight from the Chocolatey.org site: Chocolatey NuGet is a Machine Package Manager, […]

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4 Oct

Nancy takes another step forward

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The say time flies when you are having fun and nothing could be more true when working on Nancy. Two months have already passed since we started work on 0.8.0, a release that was suppose to roughly take around 4-5 weeks to complete and consist mostly of diagnostics related changes. Boy were we wrong. A […]

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27 Sep

What’s happening on the NuGet feed (leveraging OData in an RSS reader)

Ever since NuGet came online I?ve been wanting a way to find out about new packages, and updates to packages. Since OData extends the ATOM feed and you can hook an OData feed up to any RSS reader I set out to find a way to get at those recent updates to the NuGet feed […]

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24 Sep

The Lie of Certainty : What Developers and Scumbag Politicians Have in Common

Have you noticed how comforting it feels to be certain of something? Certain that your spouse will make it home safely tonight, that your job will be there next Monday morning, or that your car will start when you turn the key? Those things feel nice, don?t they? That feeling is why we want certainty […]

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13 Sep

Pluralcast 48 : Jeffrey Palermo on Career and Management

 Listen now! Jeffrey Palermo joins us to talk about his career and the new challenges of leadership in a technical organization. That inevitable moment of choosing whether or not to work in management deserves serious consideration and Jeffrey helps us think through the issues any potential technical leader faces. Jeffrey is the Chief Operating Officer […]

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9 Sep

An Observation about TDD

To me, developers that are not applying TDD practices during their day-to-day job always seem more in a hurry than developers that do apply red-green-refactor. In their hurry, they’re the first to cut corners and start making messes while they rush to their goal. A while ago it dawned to me why that is. They […]

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