
A software blog

26 Feb

Boise Code Camp 2011–Introduction to Git

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We are having another great Boise Code Camp and once again, I am glad I presented. Git is a DVCS, or distributed version control system, that is gaining popularity in the .NET community. In this session, we will explore: How Git is different from other version control systems (Subversion, Team Foundation Server, Mercurial) Common tools […]

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25 Feb

Book Review – Driving Technical Change: Why People on Your Team Don’t Act on Good Ideas, and How to Convince Them They Should

I already finished “Driving Technical Change” a few weeks ago, but I  got so caught up with other stuff that I almost forgot to actually sit down and write a review for it. I was very much looking forward to reading this book, and I must say that it certainly didn’t disappointed me. The author, […]

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21 Feb

Taking Baby Steps with Node.js – Implementing Events

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Here are the links to the previous installments: Introduction Threads vs. Events Using Non-Standard Modules Debugging with node-inspector CommonJS and Creating Custom Modules Node Version Management with n As I already mentioned in one of the previous posts, events lie at the heart of Node.js. In fact, events ARE the heart of Node.js. When building […]

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15 Feb

Basic JavaScript Part 10: The Module Pattern

Here are the links to the previous installments: Functions Objects Prototypes Enforcing New on Constructor Functions Hoisting Automatic Semicolon Insertion Static Properties and Methods Namespaces Reusing Methods of Other Objects The module pattern is quite popular in the JavaScript community as is heavily applied by many JavaScript developers. There?s also the CommonJS initiative, which defines […]

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9 Feb

Taking Baby Steps with Node.js – Node Version Management with n

Here are the links to the previous installments: Introduction Threads vs. Events Using Non-Standard Modules Debugging with node-inspector CommonJS and Creating Custom Modules The community around Node.js is definitely thriving at the moment. As a consequence, new versions of Node.js are being released very rapidly. While the 0.2.x versions of Node.js are considered stable, the […]

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4 Feb

Taking Baby Steps with Node.js – CommonJS and Creating Custom Modules

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Here are the links to the previous installments: Introduction Threads vs. Events Using Non-Standard Modules Debugging with node-inspector In a previous blog post, I already discussed how to make use of the built-in and third-party modules inside a Node.js application. For this post I?m going to briefly touch on CommonJS and show how to create […]

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31 Jan

Basic JavaScript Part 9: Reusing Methods of Other Objects

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Here are the links to the previous installments: Functions Objects Prototypes Enforcing New on Constructor Functions Hoisting Automatic Semicolon Insertion Static Properties and Methods Namespaces In one of my previous posts, I mentioned that functions in JavaScript are plain objects that can have their own properties and methods. One of these methods that are available […]

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