
A software blog

25 Jan

Calls to ReportExecutionService.Render() Hang

Given: One Windows Service, written in C#, using SQL Reporting Services via the SSRS web services.  MyApp.Service waits for work requests to come in, and when it finds them it uses SSRS to generate some PDFs (among a bunch of other stuff).  The Windows Service code is in one project, “myapp.service,” and the code that […]

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22 Jan

NETDUG – Silverlight/WPF Multi-Targeting Presentation Sample Code

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If you attended the NETDUG user group meeting last night and would like to download the sample code for my Silverlight/WPF Multi-Targeting presentation, you can download it here. Recap: The Silverlight and WPF platforms are very similar, but they do not have binary compatibility; this means that an assembly compiled for one platform cannot execute […]

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22 Jan

Open Source Silverlight video players

Lately I’ve been spending a lot of time in the Silverlight video space.  Both with writing the video chapter for my Silverlight 4 book as well as at work.  Creating a basic video player is straight forward (link 1 | link 2), have a button to play, a way to control the volume, a scrubber […]

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