10 Dec

StatLight – Goes Open Source

Although I made a very minor attempt at making StatLight a “for-sale” product, I knew when I started that open-source was most likely going to be my long term path for StatLight. What is it? (Silverlight Testing Automation Tool) StatLight is a tool developed for automating the setup, running, and gathering results of Silverlight unit […]

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28 Nov

Database Change Management with Tarantino

Seeing as how I have not graced these pages with my presence in quite some time. I figured I better get something going. A little while back my team started working with some outside contractors and our make shift way of keeping changes in sync and under control was simply not cutting the mustard. Why […]

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23 Nov

IIS 7.5 – 401.3 Unauthorized when trying to read a javascript file

Here is one that took me entirely too long to figure out. I downloaded this Nifty Corners Cube javascript? plugin I guess Ill call it? It was used in a past project I was on and I thought it was pretty cool. It will definitely save some time putting out a decent UX without having […]

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