15 Jul

Object-Firster or Data-Firster: DDD is for CRUD Apps

Ward Bell posted an interesting read “DDD is for CRUD Apps” over on the Entites Wiki. As Ward would say, he wrote the article on the Wiki for “a number of folks with contrasting degrees of affection for and animosity toward Entity Framework.” If you haven’t had your weekly dose of EF controversy I suggest […]

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14 Jul

Integrating Castle Windsor and NHibernate with WCF – Throwing the WCF facility and some Rhino Tools in the mix

A while ago, I wrote this post about how to integrate Castle Windsor and NHibernate with WCF. Last weekend, I used the WCF integration facility of Castle Windsor to accomplish pretty much the same thing, but with less code. We all want that, now don’t we? As a first step, I created a class that […]

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12 Jul

Book review: Code Leader – Using People, Tools and Processes to Build Successful Software

Like Karl Seguin’s most excellent book about the Foundations of the Programming (which is highly recommended), this book covers the basics that each programmer should live and breathe. Software developers with only a couple of years of experience will benefit the most from this book. Patrick Cauldwell nicely introduces essential topics like Test-Driven Development, Continuous […]

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