13 May

Tortoise TFS / The Turtle Project

Before you get excited, I am unaware of a real TortoiseTFS available today.  Am I the only one who wishes it existed, though? Well, no.  These guys over at CodePlex also know a good idea when they hear one.  The Turtle project was off to a slow start (haw haw) and it looks like it is ready to […]

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2 May

More on Microsoft and Open Source

Jon Galloway wrote a fantastic summary of Microsoft’s unofficial explanation for their non-inclusion of OSS in their products.  Apparently he was able to discuss this at MIX with someone in the know and they provided him with a good explanation of the situation. Basically, Microsoft’s position seems to come down to this: Redistributing Open Source Software presents […]

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9 Apr

IT Related Volunteer Opportunities

It is interesting to note the volunteer opportunities available to people with I.T. related skills.  That such opportunities exist speaks to the ubiquity of computers and software in our daily lives.  Computing has become so normalized as to be considered a necessity for economic growth, job searching, educational opportunity, and other services. Here are some local volunteer opportunities in […]

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2 Apr

Thank You, Askimet

Category:UncategorizedTag: , , :

Comment spam is a PITA (look it up) for most bloggers.  I have tried several solutions to comment spam with varying degrees of success and have most recently tried to simply moderate all comments.  This is far too time consuming to actually continue, so I looked again for a solution to the problem. I have been […]

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