12 Jul

My Sweet Bike

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 Tuesday was my birthday and my wife hit a home run.  Check out my sweet new geek bike…  Sweet bell Bike computer (speed, cadence, time, etc) Fat man seat Rear rack (for bulldog passenger seat) Headlight / taillight RAM Mount for my Treo or iPod Coffee mug That’s right! I rode down the street last […]

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28 Jun

Last Butters Update

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She’s here.  The boys and I went to Portland last week to pick her up and spent a day running around the beach and the Oregon Coast Aquarium.  You can see some great trip pics here.  Butters, the mini bulldog. She is so cool. We went for our first motorcycle ride together last night.

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8 Jun

Open Architecture is Officially Lingo

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I recently attended a financial planning meeting graciously hosted by my company.  We are in the process of changing 401K planning providers and this was a little “Saving for Retirement 101”. Midway through the presentation the financial planner speaking to the group drops this little bomb into his spiel, “And our mutual fund selection process offers an […]

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4 Jun

More on Butters

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I promised more tech for your dollar around here and I will be delivering.  In the mean time, no one but the coldest, most cruel hearted person could object to updates on my forthcoming mini bulldog, Butters.  Butters is due to leave Missouri for her new home here in Idaho within the next 2 weeks […]

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3 Jun

I’m Back

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I have been on an involuntary blogging hiatus.  Things are looking up recently and I hope to soon be posting at a more usable rate.  Two things have influenced my output lately and together created a perfect storm; My woman and my work. My Woman My poor wife hurt her back when we were taking ski lessons back in […]

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21 May

Butters Update

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I got a new set of pictures from the breeder in Missouri.? Butters is almost 2?weeks older than the first pictures I posted of her.? Her new pictures show that she is growing quickly and is?a tubby little pup. Just like me. 4 more weeks and counting.? Couldn’t you just eat her up? ?

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15 May


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I just did something I vowed never to do. Ever. Maybe it isn’t enough that I have the responsibility of feeding a wife, 4 kids, 2 cats, and a pair of guinea pigs.  Apparently that wasn’t enough. Meet Butters.  Specifically, meet Grammy Buttercup Starr, the newest member of our family.  Butters is pictured here at 2 […]

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13 May

An Epiphany of Purpose

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I have worked at Healthwise, in Boise, for almost 10 years.  We are a not-for-profit organization focused on creating content explaining medicine to lay people to assist them in making better healthcare decisions.  Formally, our mission is succinctly stated as: Healthwise helps people make better health decisions. Of course, my role at Healthwise is focused on software […]

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