24 Jan

Communicating Software Change

  As software developers and testers, we often fail to recognize what occurs beyond the last compile / regression loop as part of the Product Delivery Cycle.  Our failure to appreciate the complexity of the complete Product Launch Process results in painful and pointless work by many other teams in this organization. Customer Support, , Product […]

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23 Jan

SanDisk c250

Category:UncategorizedTag: , :1 Comment on SanDisk c250

After my last post, I just couldn’t take it.  I had a hard time shelling out $60 for a voice recorder that doesn’t do much more than record and play voice.  After all, shouldn’t our devices do everything including make breakfast these days? I went back to CompUSA and exchanged the Sony voice recorder for an […]

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15 Jan

Idaho S.C.O.R.E.

Category:UncategorizedTag: , :

Last week I was able to attend a speaking engagement by retired Admiral Archie Clemmons about a $50 million technology grant proposal that he made to the Idaho legislature.  Kickstand, a local entrepreneurial group I belong to, is dedicated to the enrichment and growth of small technology businesses and hosted the event. Although Admiral Clemmon’s presentation […]

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15 Jan

Boise Code Camp 2.0 Coming Soon

This year’s Boise Code Camp will be held on Saturday, February 10th at Boise State University (BSU).  Enthusiasm for this year’s Code Camp is escalating and the website already shows plenty of intriguing sessions.  I am signed up to present 2 sessions myself.  I had lunch last Friday at BSU with the other Code Camp organizers.  Professor Rob Anson from the […]

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15 Jan

The Move to Word Press

Category:UncategorizedTag: :

Elegant Code has moved to WordPress. I almost feel guilty for not growing the dasBlog code base instead of bailing to another blog engine, but the truth is that I simply wanted to use a blogging system without having to write code to do so. There is nothing wrong with dasBlog, but the feature set […]

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10 Jan


Category:UncategorizedTag: :

Microsoft’s “Show Us Your Wow” campaign for Windows Vista is pretty cool. http://www.showusyourwow.com I have lived with Windows Vista for a couple of months now, and I am beginning to genuinely appreciate it’s potential.  I had some genuine doubts in the beginning and was doubtful of the real value in this OS.  I’ll say this Vista: […]

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