27 Apr

Alt.Net Seattle – Takeaway<DDDD>().Video

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This last weekend (yes, a week ago I know) at Alt.Net I had the opportunity to convene a session on DDDD.  (which was also joined with Event Driven Architecture and one other messaging related topic)

The open spaces format makes it easy for whoever is there, to talk about whatever they want. DDDD, or distributed message base systems in general, was exactly what I wanted to talk about. This was my first open spaces conference, so I was a little nervous to be convening in front of highly respected peers. Luckily with all the tremendous talent in the room, being the convener for DDDD was about as complicated as finding a Starbucks in Seattle. I also learned the golden rule of open spaces, which is – if all else fails… turn it into a fishbowl.

Part of the responsibility of the convener is to provide a take away of what was talked about. Unfortunately given the magnitude of the topic, and my hectic schedule, I am sitting here 1 week later looking at 4 pages of thoughts and no real way to comprise what’s in my head. So my solution is to break it up into a series of posts just to get something out there.

So let’s start with the video. The conversation is very dense, and is packed full of great info. Some of what is said is hard to follow without context, so I challenge you, if you are interested in the topic to listen to it several times. Even after being in the room, the 3rd time I watched the video I was still learning more and more.

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