1 Nov

State Pattern, Enumeration Class and Fluent NHibernate (Oh my!)

Recently, I needed to change a basic enumeration into a full-fledged state pattern. After getting all my domain classes updated, I began reviewing the persistence layer. And I hit a wall. I wasn’t sure how I wanted to update my Fluent NHibernate convention to persist the current state.

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1 Nov

Snow Leopard and Quicksilver

I recently did the upgrade to Snow Leopard on my MBP. To my dismay, Quicksilver no longer worked. It terminated immediately after launch. I found the the Beta 56a7 on here. I also had to remove Plugins.plist and the Plugins folder from ~/Library/Application Support/Quicksilver. I am ecstatic to report that Quicksilver is up and running […]

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