
A software blog

22 Oct

Excited to Announce My New Career Opportunity

I have lots of bittersweet and mushy things to say about my previous employer of 5 years, however I’ll spare you from all that. Last Monday (10/17/2011) I started my first official day with (That’s Vertigo) I’m really looking forward to working with the many great people at Vertigo and all the interesting projects that […]

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21 Oct

Extended WPF Toolkit–the updated PropertyGrid

The PropertyGrid control in the Extended WPF Toolkit was released in version 1.4.0 as beta. Since then I have had another release of version 1.5.0 in which the PropertyGrid was still in beta. Well it is beta no more! I have given the PropertyGrid a lot of love an affection over the past few weeks […]

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18 Oct

Taking Baby Steps with Node.js – BDD Style Unit Tests with Jasmine and CoffeeScript

< The list of previous installments can be found here. > In a previous blog post, I already wrote about BDD style unit tests for testing Node.js modules using Jasmine. I really like the conciseness, simplicity and readability of specification style unit tests using Jasmine. But when we pour CoffeeScript into the mix, then the […]

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7 Oct

Extended WPF Toolkit–using the BusyIndicator

As you may know, I am the author of a WPF control suite call the Extended WPF Toolkit.  I also spend tons of time on various forums helping people solve problems with their WPF applications.  Lately there have been a number of questions regarding the BusyIndicator control.  The majority of questions deal with using it […]

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7 Oct

Scrum is Open for Modification and Extension

Category:General PostTag: :

I recently joined Scrum.org as Chief Software Craftsman, which is a fun title . One of the first things I wanted to see at Scrum.org launches today as we we announce a model for embracing community influence of Scrum itself. Scrum is now open for modification and extension. I would love to say Scrum is […]

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