
A software blog

30 Nov

Put This on Your Gift List

My friend and NimblePros founder, Steve Smith,  sent a fantastic holiday gift to me. I have it hanging on my wall and you should too! It?s a 2011 calendar of Software Craftsmanship. Very cool! The calendar has monthly themes of: Single Responsibility Principle, Dependency Inversion Principle, Common Closure Principle, Common Reuse Principle, Boy Scout Rule, […]

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28 Nov

Introducing Nancy, a lightweight web framework inspired by Sinatra

For a couple of weeks I have been keeping myself busy with open-source stuff. One of the things has been to spike out a web framework idea and later on turn it into a real project. The project is inspired, but not a clone, by the Sinatra web framework built on Ruby. The name, Nancy, […]

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