
A software blog

27 Aug

File uploads and MVC Controllers

Last week I had to implement some functionality to support uploading images to an MVC 2 application and then subsequently display them. Naturally there are a mountain of blog posts on this topic but I was unable to find anything comprehensive that covered everything that I needed on both the client and server side. What […]

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23 Aug

Book Review: Facts and Fallacies of Software Engineering

Having this book on my shelf for quite some time now, I finally decided to to make my way through reading Facts and Fallacies of Software Engineering written by Robert L. Glass. As the title already implies, this well-established author lays down 55 facts and 10 fallacies about software engineering based on his half a […]

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18 Aug

Book Review: Debug It!

Category:UncategorizedTag: :

Throughout my career as a professional software developer,   I?ve spent quite a lot of my learning time to sharpen my debugging skills. I?ve always considered this as one of the required abilities of a true software craftsman. I also strongly believe that the time spent hunting bugs should be minimized as much as possible. Other […]

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15 Aug

Extended WPF Toolkit – New ColorPicker Control

Yes, another great control has been added to the Extended WPF Toolkit project on CodePlex called the ColorPicker. The ColorPicker is pretty much self explanatory.? It allows a user to select a color using a color canvas, a hue slider, and an alpha slider for transparency. UPDATE: The ColorPicker control has been updated.? please see […]

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12 Aug

Extended WPF Toolkit – New RichTextBox Control

There has been a new control added to the Extended WPF Toolkit project on CodePlex called the RichTextBox. The RichTextBox extends the System.Windows.Control.RichTextBox control that represents a rich editing control which operates on FlowDocument objects. The RichTextBox control has a Text dependency property which allows a user to data bind content to the RichTextBox.Document property. […]

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