14 Jun

Book review: NHibernate in Action

Writing this book review feels kind of weird  because it hasn’t actually hit the shelves yet. It is accessible however through the Manning Early Access Program. This book provides a clear insight of using NHibernate as the data access layer of your applications and beyond. The excessive amount of NHibernate features  isn’t the only thing […]

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10 Jun

Boise Code Camp 2009 Date Set

Code Camp 2008 was such a fun event we just couldn’t wait to get started planning for next year! We have already worked with BSU to confirm the date of March 28th, 2009. Things will look a little different next year as we try to broaden both our focus of subject matter and our impact […]

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8 Jun

Electronic Scrum Boards with Jeffrey Palermo

I found myself eating lunch with a group that included Jeffrey Pallermo one day at Tech Ed. We were discussing our favorite sessions at the conference and I noted my interest in the new TFS Scrum process template from Conchango and the electronic Scrum board they will soon be bringing to market. I actually posted […]

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27 May

Bring a Friend (Why Have An Elegant Code Open Spaces Session?)

Last week Scott announced a Elegant Code Open Spaces Session. But why are we doing this? Obviously when answering this question I am speaking for myself and not necessarily the rest of the Elegant Coders…although who could possibly disagree with the constructed and reasonable argument that follows!? There are basically two reasons for me to […]

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