16 Aug

Windows Live Writer

This post is being written in Windows Live Writer, a new blogging tool from Microsoft.  I am completely happy with the this tool and the fact that MS is putting it out there. As you may recall, I have tried every off-line blog tool known to man, and regardless of my total frustration with the poor quality […]

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14 Aug

Vista on TV

Over the weekend I happened across a late night news piece on the upcoming Windows Vista. Keeping in mind that this is a 1 minute news blurb on CNN, with all of the things that Windows Vista has to offer, what features of Vista do you think they highlighted? Desktop Search (like Google) New ALT+TAB Animated […]

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10 Aug

Bizarre Instant Messenger Session

While eating lunch at the Agile 2006 Conference in Minnesota, I had my laptop out on the table and was tabbing through the conference agenda trying to decide which session to attend next, when an amazing thing happened. I received a request from Instant Messenger for a new contact.  I assumed that this was a […]

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6 Aug

Demonstrating Responsibility: The Mindset of An Agile Leader

Christopher Avery presented his session, Demonstrating Responsibility: The Mindset of An Agile Leader, at Agile 2006.  I was in the audience and in my opinion it was one of the highlights of the conference. Christopher has generously improved the artifacts from that presentation and made them available.  In addition, he has made available the audio from the session […]

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4 Aug

M. Night Shyamalan Needs to Stop

My family is currently visiting family in Seattle and I am living the bachelor life this week.  To celebrate, I decided to go to a movie and enjoy the peace and quiet of going by myself to something that wasn’t rated G. I must be getting old because frankly, there wasn’t anything I really wanted […]

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2 Aug

Favorite Quotes from Agile 2006

“Always check code in better than you checked it out.” — Robert Martin   “Anything you can do to drive down feature sets will often result in something considered to be an ‘innovative’ product.” – Mary Poppendieck   “Anytime anything joins a queue, that is waste.”  — Mary Poppendieck   “Don’t start any sentence with […]

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26 Jul

Pair Programming with a Stranger

When was the last time you saw a scene like this at a conference?  This scene played out at a table in the main foyer of the Agile 2006 conference.  This personifies the entire Agile + Open Source movement. If you can’t read the sign, it says, “Please pair with me on Mozilla code.”  

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26 Jul

Agile 2006 – Day 3 Report

Rather than pick on individual speakers or sessions, I would like to simply discuss today qualitatively.  I enjoyed it and was glad to be here . I went to several sessions on appropriate metrics in Agile and Scrum environments.  I am excited to stop bugging people for information that doesn’t really matter when I get […]

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