25 Jun

Learning JavaScript – Checking The Declaration of a Variable

Judging from my previous post, some people might have come to the conclusion that I?m in the process of learning a wonderful programming language called JavaScript. Well, they?re right! It is a fascinating programming language although it has its quirks and pitfalls. Have a look at the following piece of code: var someString = "Hi […]

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21 Jun

Pluralcast 18 : BDD in .NET with StoryQ

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   Listen to this episode! [31:03] This episode is a visit with Rob Fonseca-Ensor, the HCIC (Head Craftsman in Charge) of StoryQ, a BDD testing framework for .NET. I used StoryQ in this talk at TechEd 2010 and have used it in production for awhile now. I really like this framework as a vehicle for […]

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20 Jun

Prefer Additional Methods Over Additional Overloads

If you have ever written code that is going to be used as an API for other programmers, you may start to think about writing code in a different viewpoint from what you normally do. Most of us write code for the purpose of achieving a goal.  If we practice writing elegant code, we are […]

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7 Jun

Pluralcast 17 : M, the Modeling Language

Category:General PostTag: :

Listen to this episode! [35:36] Microsoft Regional Director and Connected Systems MVP, Steward Celarier joined me for a discussion of M, DSLs, and other things modeling related at the 2010 Seattle Code Camp. If you have heard of the M language and wondered if it was: An AI app that generates the liner notes to […]

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3 Jun

Silverlight 4 Minor Update

Category:UncategorizedTag: , , :

Today a minor update to Silverlight 4 was released.  This update won’t effect all users, but if you are a media developer you will want to get this update.  For the specifics read KB982926. Developers can update their runtime by downloading and installing the updated Silverlight developer runtime for Windows or Mac.  Any new Silverlight […]

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